You're Allowed to Disagree with the Government!

The eight values of free expression are important to know in our society so you can stand up for how you feel in what is right. I think all of them are very important depending on the circumstance of the situation, but one that I was recently able to witness firsthand is "Protect Dissent" when I was in Barcelona.

Just yesterday on October 27, tens of thousands of people joined a protest in Barcelona demonstrating independence from Spain. This was happening while I was there; Streets, stores and airports were being closed and mobbed with protestors fighting for this issue. The problem is not just about them wanting to be independent, but the main reason they are protesting is that the Spanish supreme court made the decision to imprison nine separatist leaders for sedition over their roles in the failed push for independence two years ago. They created an opportunity for people to vote in favor of what they want just to see the opinions people had, but the government did not agree with the fact that they did that. Therefore, they put these people in prison and that is what everyone is fighting against.

This brings me to the reason why I think Protect Dissent is the most important. It focuses on our strongly protected right to disagree with the government - and everyone else. It is our duty to do so, no matter how unpopular your view might be. In the case of this Barcelona protest, it seemed as though thousands of people were in for fighting this rule. They should have every right to disagree with the governments' decision and show them the passion they have as citizens. I do agree things are getting little out of hand with the damage they are causing on the city between fires and disasters on the street because this is raising people's taxes, but they have every right to fight for what they want. People all over are waiving the Catalan flag in honor of this protest. It is wild to see how many young people are on the streets supporting this matter because they feel so strongly about this issue and I think it is really bringing people together,  but also tearing the country apart.

It is sad to see the fights breaking out on the streets when everyone in such a wonderful place should be uniting together. If people did not stand up for what they think is right, it would be unfair and I think this cause proves that everyone has a right to freedom of speech and they should not give up on what they feel is unfair in their own country.

