How Electronics Have Evolved Over Time

These presentations were a real eye-opener for the class because it allowed us to see back to the past and realize how much things have changed over a period of time. My focus was the first Apple iPhone and this was an electronic device that has changed massively over just a short period. The first iPhone was released only 12 years ago in 2007 and that is when it was only offered in 4, 8 and 16GB. Now, Apple just released the iPhone 11 and the progression the device has made over time is astonishing. The first apple phone could not send pictures over message or even produce a video with the camera and now the new phone has three cameras!
The iPhone changed the way we communicate on countless levels, with some being positive and others being negative. This creation has caused us to be hyper-connected 24/7 and responding faster than we ever have. This is great because, in case of an emergency or something requiring a fast response, this is very helpful. Although, this goes to show how glued we are to our phones in this generation. This relates back to the "Mad World" video and how invested we are into these cellular devices that we are missing out on what is right in front of us. The iPhone has caused us all to live in a generation with fewer personal and social interactions and this is very upsetting. It has made texting such a primary form of communication and has blurred the line for users between work and personal life. Many people with jobs in certain businesses are not able to just turn off work and go home to enjoy a family dinner. By always being hyper-connected, this causes that break for leaving work at the office because it is with you at all times.
My object focus was fascinating for me to research because it is an electronic device that I got to see evolve over a period of time. I was around to see the changes of the first iPhone to what it has become now and what it will become in the future. I also found it very intriguing to see the timeline of other objects we as students aren't as familiar with like the telegraph and the pigeon carrier. The pigeon carrier was funny to me because I don’t think many of us knew this was real and how important it was back in the day. Overall, this project was a great idea to inform us how crazy the evolution of electronics are now compared to what it used to be and how fast things are evolving compared to previous times.
