Facebook Glitch Allowing for Users to see Fake News

Facebook is having an issue that there is a loophole for people to get around its strategy to prevent them from creating fake news. This is a major issue all over media that is creating controversy between all of its' users. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, has a lot of work to do with his company in solving this problem because it is allowing people to change the headline of various news stories to make them fake and unreliable. This is going to cause Facebook users to stop believing the news they see on Facebook and possibly even quit using it.

At first, Facebook was created to be a social platform for college students to connect through the internet. This new platform took the attention of millennials from myspace and brought them to connect with one another on Facebook. It became very popular very fast. It is a great way to keep in touch with people you meet but didn’t just solely stick to that purpose. Facebook grew rapidly over time and formed into being used for many social platforms which allow for a variety of options. It began to open a lot of doors for the Gen X crowd to post opinions and keep up with news pages. Therefore, a lot of generations are relying on Facebook for information that is occurring on a daily bases through reposts of news outlets.

This is why it is so important for Facebook to take action fast and fix this issue immediately because it is causing its' audience to be very upset that they are being given false information through people changing these preview links. I think it is also important that Facebook does a better job at addressing the complaints that the users are making about this issue. The example showed in this article of the support ticket being promptly closed shows that they are not taking initiative on important issues that are affecting their company. Being such a big media platform they are always going to have minor issues that arise, but with the amount of money they are making, it is critical they use it on hiring people that will take care of cases like this one in a prompt manner.
