The European Way of Life

I was solely interested in this article because of the headline regarding the "European Way of Life". I find it very important to not only know about what is going on in the United States but also what is going on in Europe because my entire family is from Budapest, Hungary. My grandparents are refugees that escaped through the holes in the iron curtain along the border of Austria and came to America and that’s why I was lucky to be raised here. The rest of my family did not get as lucky though; Most of them are still living there making very low income and hoping for a possible chance of a green card and having enough money to come live in America. Hungary and other countries in Europe are struggling with horrible leaders and seeing how it is affecting people I know is why the article caught my attention.

This article identifies the fact that the originators of legislation within the EU don’t have such a great record of their past. Many of the members of the new European Commission cabinet has a background that makes people question their role. It also focuses on the fact that politics has branded things to be the opposite of what they really are. For example, the European Union is trying to redefine "European" to mean pro-EU and this is why the UK is leaving Europe. This is very upsetting and its causing outrage.

Another issue is that the next European Commission that will most likely be approved by the European parliament will crackdown on people's personal freedom, overtax consumers, and contort food and energy prices. This plan will impair a lot of Europeans in the same way. People are at an outrage about politicians titles' and they should be worried about the fact that the new high representative for the EU's foreign policy resigned from a major academic post due to charges of conflicts of interest. The upcoming agenda is going to hurt all Europeans and they need to focus on that since many of them are already struggling to survive, and I have seen this first hand through my family in Hungary. It is scary to think about how these plans are going to affect people in Europe and how everyone is going to handle it. 

