Propaganda in Communications

One of the topics that stood out to me during the presentations was the concept of propaganda. It is the dissemination of information- facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies - to influence public opinion. Propaganda is based on manipulating other people's beliefs and attitudes through different actions or symbols. Propagandists set specific goals and find the most effective way to display their message. In communications, it is commonly used as a form of persuasion and evokes an emotional or obligable response from an audience. It can create conflict among societies in differing classes.

Propaganda can have both a negative and positive effect depending on the context it is used. Sometimes it will be used in advertisements where they try to promise or sell happiness by buying a product in order to solve a problem. It can also be used for creating a false dilemma. For example, if you are offered two choices and they act as if those are your only two options. The main way I understood propaganda before learning about presentations was how it is used with slogans. If a slogan is repeated enough times, it is often that the public will eventually come to believe it. This is a way of getting to your head and making it evident through media. The main goal of it is to influence public opinion in various ways. This is the reason I chose to focus on propaganda because I feel as though it is commonly focused on in communications and it is important to realize the effect it can have on an audience.
