Should you have control over social media when you haven't even graduated 8th grade

This topic is a controversy that is constantly discussed in our society today and it makes me very upset. There are often issues arising from people at a young age using social media and taking advantage of it when they should not even have a cellular device. Parents don’t realize the access they give their kids when they provide them with a device that has access to all these applications. Having a Twitter or an Instagram for a kid that is 13 years old is unnecessary, why do they need access to these platforms when they don’t even understand what it is used for?

Everyone has their own opinions and thoughts about this controversy, but mine takes the side at the fact young kids should be enjoying the outdoors and watching television, not glued to a cellular device with social media. This is where issues begin and bullying can happen. The first mistake in this article, in my opinion, is the parent and the fact that they gave this child who has no idea what can happen on social media the ability to access these platforms. Although overall, I think it was a good eye-opener for the child to see what has already been posted about her through her family so she is aware of what can happen whenever you post. I think it gave her an idea of how dangerous can be and it is positive that she realized how important it is she keeps her information private, especially at her age. It is beneficial that the article mentions how schools are talking about these kinds of issues with children and making them aware because of how much access some of these young kids have.

The article also makes a valid point to identify how much more advanced things are going to become in the future. Their generation is just ahead and they are the innovators. The mining that will go on and the things that will be found by the time they are adults can be very eye-opening. People are not cautious, they think, "why not, its just one picture." But in the end, it is one picture that can make the decision of whether or not you get that internship in college when you look back and think about how you wish you did not post that. It is accurate to say that, "being anonymous is no longer an option" because that is very true. I think it is up to the child to be aware of the impact social media can have so they are able to make their decisions wisely and maturely.
