Missing Jury Duty Can End Up Being Your Worst Nightmare

Do you ever think about what it would be like to spend 10 days in jail for oversleeping? Deandre Somerville, an innocent young man, made the mistake of oversleeping one morning and missing his jury duty. We all think about jury duty and how much of a pain it is to have to go in and find the time when you get a letter in the mail for an assigned day. But do you ever think of having to go to jail if you miss it?

I never knew how serious it was that you could receive a punishment like that if you miss your assigned appointment. This 21-year-old boy received a sentence to spend 10 days in a Florida jail for this reason. The first thing that came to this young man's mind when the judge gave him his sentence was that for the 10 days he served time, he couldn’t help his family or help his disabled grandfather.

After reading this article I thought, doesn’t the court have so many other more important cases to worry about than a child making one mistake of missing jury duty? A young man can see and experience a lot over 10 days in jail, even though it’s a short amount of time. It can change you.

That is what jail did to Somerville. He talked about how this taught him his lesson and how important jury duty is and I guess that is something I never realized is so critical that it is worth jail time. Although, in the end, if every young adult thought that way, people would make this mistake all the time and the court does not have time to deal with absences during cases.

This article goes to show how much those 10 days taught a young man and what it opened his eyes to while being in there. He gained confidence. He found himself. Now he says, "sky is the limit".
