The Supreme Court

In 1801 the Supreme Court was moved to Washington DC and it is known to be the highest judicial court in the country. Although, it doesn’t hold all of the power. The Supreme Court is limited by the other 2 branches of government in order to keep a balance of power.

The Supreme Court is in high demand with a vast number of individuals requesting that they take on certain cases, but they only accept 100 petitions a year. A petition is where it all begins, and it can come from anybody. Every week the justices gather together and decide on which cases they will accept.

In the video, I found it very eye-opening that supreme court justices serve an average of 16 years but that many remain on the bench twice as long. That is a large amount of time working the same consistent job.

Every case the Supreme Court accepts is revealed and heard publicly. They don’t hold things in private like you would expect.

The video really represented how the Supreme Court wasn’t very powerful until the Marbury v. Madison case. This case became an important moment in history due to what it was able to provide. It allowed the court to be able to rule all acts of government as constitutional or not. This made for a very significant time in history.  
