Lost in a Mad World

This video was honestly the most accurate description of what is happening in this generation. The song choice and small details of each video shot couldn’t have aligned more perfectly and I really enjoyed watching this.

Everyone in this world has become so invested in their electronic devices that people are losing sight of what is right in front of them. This video hits a variety of points that are important to recognize. First off,  social media is one of the main issues as to why millennials are so glued to their devices. People are constantly updating their feeds for trends and attention. One of the clips showed a girl taking a selfie smiling in color and once she moves her face out of the picture she goes back to sad and the image becomes black and white. This is what resembles our society. Many people are captured by what they see on media and try to portray this image that isn't even real. Another shot shows a lady getting butt implants and lip fillers to change who she really is because she wants to look like someone famous she probably saw on social media. It has become a cruel competition out there of people competing for good looks, attention, and likes, that people are starting to strive for a "fake" image. This goes to show you how people aren't who they really seem on social media.

We always focus on the positive that media brings to us in communications because we see how advanced things have become over time and how big it has made the branch of communications, but we never look at how negatively it is impacting us overall. People are so glued to their phones they are missing out on social interactions at dinner or what is happening around them. Due to media, people are so worried about capturing every moment on their phone that they lose sight of what is really right in front of them. They forget to enjoy the moment. Things like love stories don’t even seem real anymore because of phones. Couples are not meeting through encounters, but through applications where they are swiping based on images that are posted. Which we JUST discussed might be fake images because you can't even trust what is real through media anymore.

It is very heartbreaking to see this because it makes you realize that this world is evolving so quickly and time is moving so fast and so much of that time is taken up by a single electronic device. According to Statista, the average time people spend on social media is 153 minuets per day. That is nearly 3 hours a day on social media and do you realize how much time that eats up on a weekly basis? I love that this video is in black and white and very few seconds show the color of certain things because it makes you realize the perspective of how much people are missing out on by being on their phone. It is so sad that most people walking around campus are not even looking around, everyone is on their phone walking. If you do this, you lose sight of the beautiful things in life and you miss out on so much that we should be taking in while we can. Media can also be negative because it can hurt people to the point where it causes them to take their life and I think this is very important to recognize. Things get posted or said that can really hurt someone and that is how most bullying is happening in this generation is through media. Children are having access at such a young age and it is so risky.

Bottom line is, electronics are great and have made a wonderful impact on the capabilities it has offered our generation, but it is important not to lose sight of the world by having your eyes glued to a device. The ending of this video is the image below. People are walking on their phones aimlessly and losing sight of what is right in front of them, therefore, they are falling.  This really captures how lost we are in this mad world and supports my statement completely. 


Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DU1B_XkyIk
